Sick of Shootings? Promote Authentic Catholicism for a Change USCCB

***UPDATE*** I posted this last night before today’s tragic shooting. Same thing applies. I hope our bishops will actually try to fix the real problem instead of making politically correct platitudes.

I am sooooo sick and tired of the American bishops (not all but a good lot) squandering their moral capital on ridiculous moves such as this.

US bishops call for new gun legislation after garlic festival shooting

 July 31, 2019

Catholic News Agency

SAN JOSE – After a shooting at a food festival in California on Sunday in which the gunman killed three people and injured 15, the US bishops’ representative for domestic justice called for legislation to prevent such losses.

Just what legislation do you think would have prevented this, my dear “US bishops’ representative for domestic justice?” He already broke many laws.  What makes you think that any legislation would have stopped him when he was filled with so much hate?  Let me help you: none.  Even a total ban on guns wouldn’t have stopped him.  He would have just simply moved onto another weapon of choice, and since it was clear he wasn’t very proficient with the one he had, a knife might have even been more effective for him. 

You lame people at the USCCB don’t get it. Instead of seeing the real problem, which is the rejection of the principle that all life is sacred, you want to throw spitballs at some other issue. Give me a break. You want to make great strides for once?  How about you act like Humanae Vitae is important???

At this point, why would anyone think life is sacred or that hell is real or that the Church teachings matter when you dole out Communion to public obstinate sinners.  Of course, they probably don’t buy it either, since you rarely bother to mention sin or the sanctity of life from your pulpits.

Santino William Legan, 19, opened fire at a garlic festival in Gilroy, Calif., 30 miles southeast of San Jose, the evening of July 28. He was shot dead by police shortly after beginning to fire a rifle. Police have been investigating reports of a second suspect.

Bishop Oscar Cantú of San Jose said July 29 that “our hearts are heavy with sadness in the wake of the horrific shooting … I am grateful for the first responders and individual citizens whose quick thinking and professional actions saved countless lives.

“My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, survivors and their families in this time of sorrow. May God, the source of our faith and strength, grant comfort and hope to all those affected by acts of violence. May grief give way to healing and grace, as we work together to protect the innocent and prevent future massacres, so that peace may prevail in our hearts and communities.”

The Diocese of San Jose held a bilingual prayer vigil July 29 at St. Mary’s parish in Gilroy.

I really don’t know much about Bishop Cantu yet, but this was a good response. I might just have added “May all people come to realize the sanctity of life so that this horrible violence may end.”

Contrast that with this awful statement:

Bishop Frank Dewane of Venice in Florida, chair of the US bishops’ committee on domestic justice and human development, said July 30 that “our legislators must make changes to our gun policy to prevent the loss of life.”

“As Americans, we must be honest with ourselves that we have a sickness, almost a plague, with the problem of gun violence. As Christians, we must look to the cross, repentant of the ways that have led us to this point and, with God’s grace, abandon such senseless, inhuman acts. Let us resolve to make the sacrifices necessary to end the violent killing that saturates our nation.”

He added that “the Lord calls us to comfort those who mourn and to be peacemakers in a violent world. We pray, and we must, for the victims and their families. The Church should act in ways that heal and support all those affected by gun violence.”

I would just like to clarify that Bishop Dewane seems like a bishop I would like which kind of makes this naive statement a bit annoying. It would have been so easy to get it right and consult people who understand the “gun issue” instead of weighing in on an idea already shown to have failed time and again because it doesn’t get to the real problem.

As one of my Twitter followers pointed out, the only statement the USCCB should make these days is “I’m sorry.”

Might not have been so pathetic if he would just admit that the USCCB and the bishops who don’t regularly preach Humanae Vitae have failed us all. Calling out “gun violence” is ridiculous when people in “gun free” countries are killed and maimed with a myriad of other weapons.  It’s violence period, Bishop Dewane. Stop using “gun” as if it somehow makes you look in touch. You are not.

Again, if Catholics don’t even value life, why would we expect the rest of the world to follow? People are disposable and even preventable if they don’t bring us anything short of pleasure. If children aren’t a blessing, then why would we consider anyone else to be such?  Seriously, USCCB, get your pompous, politically correct heads out of the sand and realize that this is YOUR fault. You have failed to hold Catholics to the truth. You never seem to think this is a big deal, but we do because it results in lives being lost every single day. Blood is being shed in the streets now, yet you still can’t admit that you have failed.  It’s just the mean ol’ guns.  Please.

So here’s my plan for stemming violence, and I say stem because murder has existed since the days of Cain and Abel, be it by gun, rock, rope, knife, poison, etc. And, sadly, it will exist until the end of time because of satan:

1) Tell the people in the pews that all life is sacred and that birth control, abortion, euthanasia, pornography, suicide,  IVF, and the like are EVIL.  The lack of resolve in this area is literally killing your flock.

2) Ask parents what kind of example they are giving to their children.  Do they make them feel that they are sacred and worth it, or do they want to limit the number of their siblings because they’d rather have a more luxurious lifestyle? Have they put off having them until they “felt fulfilled?” Have their parents created them outside the marital act and denied them the right to their biological parents for THEIR pleasure? Humane Vitae was downright prophetic in this area. When we start treating children as if they exist to please us, what do you think is going to happen?

Let’s just pause and look at the news this week. Andrew Klavan nails it here: .  Bushnell represents the mindset of a good chunk of society. Why does she regret not having kids? It’s not because they are a gift from God and life is sacred, it’s because of what they could have done for her in her old age. She’s not objectifying children at all. (Insert disgusted look.) Pathetic, but sadly, this is the view to many pew sitters.  Kids are possessions.  It’s sick. And we wonder why youth nowadays have so little self-worth that they are killing themselves or others, literally or through their immoral lifestyles.

3) Act like supporting all of the bad things listed in #1 are actually serious sins. NOBODY should be able to receive Communion while advocating or participating in these activities. If someone is publicly, obstinately sinning, stop handing them Our Lord’s Body and Blood like it’s a right until they publicly repent. This should include everyone who is publicly championing the use of birth control or publicly supporting abortion in some way, from your everyday flock to the politician who does the same.  I don’t care if they are the poorest of the poor the richest of the rich.  It’s scandalous and it devalues life. For the private sinner, like most of us, urge confession, confession, confession every homily.

4) Teach about heaven and hell.  Seriously!  Most of the people in the pews probably think little of either. Most youth, like the one involved in the shooting in Gilroy, don’t believe there are any everlasting consequences for their actions. They are in pain due to absent teachings from many in our church and those substituted by society. When the Church is silent, society is more than willing to fill that void. Nobody is telling them there’s something greater to come and most don’t understand this world is temporary and that the results of their actions in it are not. Some days I have to wonder if most of you believe in the lessons taught at Fatima.  What did God show the children?  Oh, yeah, hell.  Most of you seem to want to protect the “feelings” of your flock over their immortal souls. Honestly, if one more of you uses the term “Building Bridges”, I might be sick. What good is it to build a bridge if people are using it to jump to their deaths???

5) Tell people to pick up their crosses! Personally, I’d for my family and I to have more company in this area. I’d also like to help others who struggle.  How about just encouraging people to go a day without their favorite treat for starters? Challenge people, for heaven’s sake. Empower them to overcome sin and temptation. Don’t tell them they are slaves to their whims, fantasies, challenges, proclivities, etc.  These do not make up who they are. They are children of God, for goodness sake.

6) Encourage the use of sacramentals and devotions, because satan and demons do exist. They are not fantasy. Imagine what the world might be like if we all took the time to sprinkle holy water wherever we went.  The Rosary?  Remember that? Remember what the countless saints have said about just these two and the spiritual world?  Act like you believe it. Act like it’s not superstition. I’m going to challenge each one of you to give your parishioners a rosary and a bottle of holy water and encourage them not to leave home without them. I’m going to give you a tip.  It’s holy water even if there’s no gold cross on the bottle.  The TSA has made nice little plastic bottles very accessible and cheap, and I’m sure you can find some rosary-making group to give you the rosaries. No excuses. In fact, clergy, I bet if you posted in the comments that you wanted these, readers would ask you where you want them sent. These are the top two weapons around here, and everyone is given them. So simple and yet so ignored. Parents! Take all the stinking help you can get! I doubt my kids even realize how often I’ve been in their rooms sprinkling them as well as everywhere else in our house. I take St. Teresa very seriously.

From long experience I have learned that there is nothing like holy water to put devils to flight and prevent them from coming back again.  The also flee from the cross, but return; so holy water must have great value.  For my own part, whenever I take it, my soul feels a particular and most notable consolation.  In fact it is quite usual for me to be conscious of a refreshment which I cannot possibly describe, resembling an inward joy which comforts my whole soul.  This is not fancy, or something which has happened to me only once, it has happened again and again and I have observed it attentively.  It is let us say, as if someone very hot and thirsty were to drink from a jug of cold water: he would feel the refreshment throughout his body.

I often reflect on the great importance of everything ordained by the Church and it makes me very happy to find that those words of the Church are so powerful that they impart their power to the water and make it so different from water which has not been blessed.

One night, too, about this time, I thought the devils were stifling me; and when the nuns had sprinkled a great deal of holy water about, I saw a hug crowd of them running away as quickly as though they were about to fling themselves down a steep place.

I will only describe something that happened to me one night of All Sous Day.  I was in an oratory: I had said one nocturne and was repeating some very devotional prayers which follow it – they are extremely devotional: we have them in our office book – when actually the devil himself alighted on the book, to prevent me from finishing the prayer.  I made a sign of the cross and he went away.  I then began again and he came back.  I think I began the prayer three times and not until I had sprinkled some holy water on him could I finish it.” – St. Teresa of Avila

I could go on for days with more practical solutions than saying “guns bad!” and I’m sure my readers will, but I think I’ve given you all enough to start cleaning up the daily violence which is not longer plaguing far away lands but has now reached our neighborhoods.. Unfortunately, most of you will probably just point to the gun like you point to McCarrick. It’s all somebody else’s fault. In your minds, it has zero to do with the lack of authentic Catholicism taught in your churches. So, as usual, thanks for nothing USCCB.

Please remember Stephen Romero,  Keyla Salazar and Trevor Irby and their families in your prayers.  May Perpetual Light shine upon them. Please also pray for Santino Legan and other broken, damaged youth like him.





16 thoughts on “Sick of Shootings? Promote Authentic Catholicism for a Change USCCB

    1. Intrinsically, Catholics DO listen to what their bishops say, even with all the crap that they do. This is what makes the whole scenario so obnoxiously frustrating. They have a platform, they have people who WOULD listen to them. Yet, they choose to slink away and say mealy-mouthed things that don’t help anyone.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Great piece, OMM. I wonder… Of all the young men who do these mass shootings, how many of them have been practicing, weekly-mass-attending Catholics? l would hazard a guess of approximately ZERO. The bishops’ mission should be evangelization not politics. If I recall correctly, their ultimate boss assigned them the task of being “fishers of men.” Their job should be to get more young men in the pews practicing the faith. Many of them don’t seem to care that mass attendance among so-called millennials is abysmal. They don’t seem to have noticed that there’s been a steep decline in young people who support the teachings of the Catholic faith. Or if they have noticed, some of ’em think that the Jimmy Martin approach of jettisoning the Church’s unpopular teachings is the way to woo back the youth. Teach the truth, dear bishops. Teach the faith. Promote the eucharist. Promote the sacraments. Promote the rosary.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful Post! This is precisely why we need Theology of the Body now more than ever. It is a shame what is being done to St. John Paul II Pontifical Institute. St. John Paul II did a great job of noting how the utilitarian rot that has infected western culture has made man into mere object of desire, rather than an individual being/subject made for its own individual end (God).

    It is a tragedy of responsibility of individual actions, stemmed from failure to see ourselves and others as sons and daughters of God (or as I like to think – princes and princesses of an Eternal Kingdom). Once we began seeing our neighbor as an object (see modernism) we began judging them as a means or an obstacle. And tools once used to make life simpler became weapons to cajole and corral. I think your points about Humane Vitae are right on target!

    Sadly, without the example and words of strong and couragous men giving their lives for the sake of others (Bishops…not all) too many of the faithful sound extreme when speaking on this point….I sometimes wonder how the words of Christ sounded?

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  3. How do you explain all the non Christian countries that don’t have anywhere near this level of violence in their countries? How do you explain Christians in this country who don’t think that immigrants deserve a chance (even though Jesus apparently did).


    1. And, btw, I think most of us would say many like me would say we live in a post-Christian America but there are also many factors that contribute to cime rate as in economics and form of government. For instance, most of the murders in China, I would probably guess are state sponsored as well as many of the countries in South America. As far as kind of sort of relative homicides go, the U.S. isn’t remotely near the top of the pack. Do you honestly think that any country that even close to fully embraced life and/or the Catholic Fatih would have such problems?

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    2. So, yeah, the country of Poland and the country of Venezuela are going to have a widely different crime stat due to the fact that one is a socialist government and one is a representative democracy.

      And the immigrant thing is rather out of left field. Nobody is calling for their deaths except the usual non-Christian wackos. Again, you reject life in little ways and they reject life in bigger ways. It all contributes to the devaluing of life.

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  4. “How do you explain Christians in this country who don’t think that immigrants deserve a chance (even though Jesus apparently did).”

    You do know that if one is a Christian and abides by our Lords teachings then they are more than willing to give immigrants a chance. Who said they don’t? If you mean the debacle at the border with Mexico, Christians have a duty to abide by their nations law also and our nation has immigration laws that are being broken every time a person crosses our border outside ports of entry that are the only legal ports.

    If a Christian believes immigration should be controlled by laws, then they are doing exactly what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches. We should do what we can to help an immigrant, refugee and an asylum seeker to the best of our ability, but when they break laws with unlawful entry and expects help then is what is law enforcement to do?

    Immigrants according the the Catechism, are to make every effort to assimilate in the host country, bear their burden of responsibility by working and obey the host nations laws. If one is seeking asylum then they have the duty to report to the first country(Mexico, if from Central America) for asylum. Crossing Mexico in order to seek asylum in the US is against the law. Your name is Teach Tolerance(Acceptance) but that is usually a one way street in today’s society. American Christians tolerate and accept a heck of a lot more than you give them credit for so don’t give us that (“Christians don’t give immigrants a chance” BS) That won’t fly by me.


  5. That’s sanctimonious bs. We all know that their lives aren’t going to any better in Mexico than in their own countries. Why are people leaving Mexico? Some laws are unfair and should be broken. What wouldn’t you do for your children? My kids went to a Catholic HS. I saw parents and kids breaking rules all the time while professing to be Catholic. I also saw priests and nuns breaking the rules all the time when I went to the same HS in the 70’s. Abusing boys and nuns having affairs. Open secrets. Tell me, do any of you cheat on your taxes? I know lots of practicing Christians who do.


  6. OMM I apologize for side tracking the original intent of your post of the USCCB response to the mass shootings but I feel that this posting has been hijacked and I feel a need to respond. Here Teaching Tolerance, read this:

    “The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin. Public authorities should see to it that the natural right is respected that places a guest under the protection of those who receive him. Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants’ duties toward their country of adoption. Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens. (#2241)”

    I know it’s hard for you to understand our Catholic teaching on immigration but that IS our teaching and following our teaching IS our obligation. Both the nation AND immigrants have certain responsibilities toward one another. Not one more than the other. I am a Catholic, practicing, and following my Church’s teaching in the Catechism I do not consider myself wayward in my thinking toward immigration. You say some laws need to be broken? Which ones? Where do you get your guidance in determining which need to be obeyed and which not?

    Are there other laws that are unfair and need to be broken? You bet. Abortion. Are you on the front lines, blocking people from entering abortion mills in order to stop them from aborting? Are you breaking the law by physically barring the doors so as to stop abortions? Why not? Bad law right?

    My parents moved here from Canada in ’49 or so. My father needed a work visa, a guaranteed job already in place, a sponsor to be responsible for my father and mother just to be able to come to this country to make a living. It was the law.

    It is NOT unchristian to hold to a law that controls immigration for it is a nations right, nor is it unchristian to hold immigrants to their responsibility to obey our laws, have a job and be grateful for the “material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them…”

    What confuses me the most of comments like yours is this: If USA is such a nasty country, racist, homophobic, misogynist, hateful and so on, then why are millions applying to live in this country legally and millions more trying to sneak across our borders if we as a nation are such scum? What is it that the immigrant knows and understands about our nation and are willing to risk their lives to come here on a ONE way ticket that some sanctimonious citizens don’t understand?

    I can be called every name in the book, hateful, racist, homophobic, misogynist etc and I don’t really care for I know what I am and what I am not and just because someone else thinks I’m all these things oh well. It’s only an opinion.


    1. Bob, great comment. My father was a legal immigrant. Illegal aliens (I still call them that) used to bug him so much. He said they should follow the rules like he had do.


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