Germans Wage War on Mary

Will Germany ever learn? I mean ever? About anything? Clearly learning from history means nothing to them.

Munich, Germany, May 15, 2019 / 02:15 pm (CNA).- At least one bishop has offered his support for a week-long “Church strike” organized by German Catholic women, during which participants organize their own prayer services rather than attending Mass.

Does “mortal sin” ring a bell? I would say it’s Catholic 101 that skipping Mass without serious cause is a mortal, sin but I think it’s more like Catholic 70. Remedial Catholicism. My children all had this down long before the age of wisdom, so what does that say about some of the bishops and Catholic laity in Germany?

Calling itself “Mary 2.0” the initiative issued an open letter to Pope Francis, which called for the ordination of women, and claimed “men of the Church only tolerate one woman in their midst: Mary.”

Wait! What? Are they hoping to fix Mary? Get the bugs out? Stop the glitches? Sigh. Lame. Feminists have always been quite jealous of Our Lady. They seem to prefer trying to relate to Mary Magdalen. Of course, they fail at that, too, never quite grasping her relation to Christ, either.

“We want to take Mary off her pedestal and into our midst, as a sister facing our direction,” the letter said.

Stop, ladies! You are killing me! You just made the case for going ad orientem at Mass and you don’t even get it. Bahahaha! You really don’t want anyone facing the same way, though. You want the Church to bend down and kiss your feet. That’s what you want. Sorry, babes! Most of us have no interest in women becoming priests.

The website features paintings of Mary and other women with their mouths taped over.

Which is it, ladies? Is Mary revered or is Mary a victim. Make up your minds. I know, I know. Reality changes at will for you all, but could you at least exercise just a little consistency?

The campaign has met with considerable criticism from German Catholics, some of when even launched of a “Maria 1.0” website, which says that the Mother of God “does not require any updates and should not be instrumentalized.”

And the civil war rages on. While the country was once mucked up by the ruling Nazis, it is now being mucked up by rabid feminists and the liberals who love them. So many bitter, angry people.

But several Church representatives have gone public in support of “Mary 2.0.”

The official news portal of the Catholic Church in Germany provided broad coverage of the call for a strike, taking place May 11-18. It also reported that Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück supports the campaign.

Bode, who leads the Commission on Women in the German bishops’ conference, told press agency EPD that while he regrets the strikes will not attend Mass, he believes it important to acknowledge the impatience of “many women in the Catholic Church” and their feelings of “deep hurt” for not being adequately appreciated for their contribution.

Christ died on the Cross for these women, but they are going to commit a mortal sin because their feelings are hurt? Anyone else sick of whiny women? I missed St. Catherine of Siena “striking.” St. Teresa of Avila? Must have missed that, too. Let’s see, last time I remember, St. Catherine and St. Teresa were doctors of the Church. How’s that for being appreciated? Maybe, ladies, the problem is you haven’t actually contributed ANYTHING positive to the Church? Bitterness, whining, jealousy and rage, I think I can safely say, aren’t positive contributions. They’re basically repeating Eve’s mistakes all over again.

Bode said that while he does not believe women will be ordained priests in the near future, the Church could soon ordain them as deacons.

Would you like to wager on that, Bishop Bode?

Participants in the “Church strike” are refusing to step into a church from the week of May 11 to 18 and will not attend Mass. Instead, services such as a “Liturgy of the Word” are held throughout the week. According to the campaign’s Facebook page, these services have garnered between 18 and 155 registered attendees.

Whoa! A whopping 155 attendees? Sounds like a movement. Perhaps common sense prevails. Or not.

Referencing the abuse crisis as a reason for the urgent need for change, the group’s letter to Pope Francis makes a range of demands, from the abolition of “mandatory celibacy” to an “updating” of the Church’s teaching on sexual morality and the ordination of women to “all ministries” – including the orders of deacon, priest and bishop.

Other than upping their rhetoric to exploit the abuse crisis, it’s the usual dumb arguments. Does anyone remember Eve and pride? Maybe that is the problem. They most emulate her and don’t even realize it. Ordaining women to the priesthood, even if it were possible (which it isn’t), wouldn’t do a darn thing to stop evil people from doing evil things. And ending mandatory celibacy? Please. People should know by now that, even with all the new revelations, the abuse stats for the Catholic priesthood don’t even come close to married clergy or married men in general. Updating the Church’s teaching on sexual morality??? It isn’t that exactly what got us into this problem in the first place. In fact, priests completely “updating” their version of sexual morality may have accelerated the problem.

In an interview published on the official website of the Archdiocese of Paderborn, vicar general Fr. Alfons Hardt praised the organizers of the campaign as women who are “concerned about the sustainability of their church.”

Well, sure, when a church rejects its doctrines, it’s going to fail. In this instance, it’s the German Catholic Church. Half of them already abandoned the Faith a long time ago and now they’re reaping the rewards of that. When they all wither and die on the vine, the faithful bishops there will undoubtedly rebuild. When they do, I’m guessing it’ll look a lot like the Church in Poland.

Hardt said “this is a motivation that I value highly,” even though the campaign might also create division.”

What motivation? The whopping 155 people?!

Whether women can be ordained to the priesthood is an open question, Hardt asserted, saying, “on the one hand we have a definitive decision by Pope John Paul II on the question of the ordination of women and on the other hand we still do not have a final answer. At least in Germany this question is discussed very openly, especially among theologians. It is clear that there is a need for a global ecclesial consensus for this which currently is not the case.”

Oh, I hate to burst your bubble, Fr. Hardt. Are you living under a rock? How many popes have to say “Not open for debate!” before you actually stop your delusions. Even your favorite, Pope Francis, has said this, and I’m pretty sure on more than one occasion.

Pope St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis have all taught that the sacrament of ordination is reserved to men by divine institution, and that, while the role of female “deacons” in the early Church can be studied, such study does not imply that women can be ordained sacramentally.

It would be nice if we could just close the door on this one. I think we all know that this just makes for more bitter Church in the end. Maybe there’s some sort of wisdom to keeping this one circling the drain, but it would be oh-so-nice if it was just completely flushed.

Despite its demands and – initially – very small numbers, “Mary 2.0” has not only received support from several German prelates but also sustained coverage in Germany, where many Catholics are turning their back on a church in crisis in the wake of the abuse scandals and other controversies, with a recent prognosis predicting the number of Catholics in the country will halve by 2060, and Church attendance in constant decline, hovering at the 10 percent mark on average according to most recent official figure.

These knuckleheads should turn their backs on the liberalism and immorality that led to the crisis there just like here. Here’s an idea, Germany, look one country over and see what they’re doing. Look east, not west. What is Poland doing that you are not? Oh, maybe taking the Faith seriously?

In March, Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising announced that the church in Germany would embark on a “binding synodal process” to tackle what he described as the three key issues arising from the clerical abuse crisis: priestly celibacy, the Church’s teaching on sexual morality, and a reduction of clerical power.

I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that lightning bolts or locusts are heading Cardinal Marx’ way.

More recently, another German bishop, Franz-Josef Overbeck of Essen, voiced similar expectations for the “Pan-Amazonian Synod” in October.

Overbeck, who also leads the influential Catholic Latin America relief organization Adveniat, predicted that “nothing will be as it was before” after that synod.

Personally, I’m kind of hoping for some Old Testament wrath. Probably not going to happen since we know that the “Gates of Hell” shall not prevail, but it would be interesting.

Speaking to journalists on May 2, he said that the role of women in the Church would be reconsidered at the meeting, and so would sexual morality, the role of the priesthood and the overall hierarchical structure of the Church. The synod will take place from October 6 to 27.

Wow! What an inflated ego this guy has. I’m sure it’s not so strange that the German dude leads the Catholic Latin American relief organization, but other than that, who is this guy? This seems to be part of the problem with many in the German clergy. They think they are all that. I think they’re about to find out they’re not.

9 thoughts on “Germans Wage War on Mary

  1. Though I long for the time when our Lord puts a stop to all of this I do have to admit that I’m glad He didn’t come earlier in my life when I wasn’t quite ready and still not in line with my faith. We forget his patience for his children, us and these women and bishops from Germany.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I shake my head in astonishment at such women who have no fear of the Lord. I know I should pray for them and for them to apologize for their hurtful statements towards the beautiful Mother of God whom Jesus so lovingly shares with all of us, but honestly….I’d just like to punch their lights out! I should say: Lord have mercy on them, but when someone insults My Mother and Yours….Divine Retribution seems in order!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like they want to be Protestants, that option has been available since 1517! Why bother the rest of us?– just walk into the nearest Protestant church and make yourselves at home. It is clearly where you belong.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Without realizing it, those who want to change the Church into what the protestants have instead of becoming a protestant is because way deep down they know the Church is the true Church and they think if they can change the Church it will justify their error.

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  4. We human beings have many complex motives floating around in our minds, but the ultimate cause of all this is Satan himself, and the weapon Satan has is his temptations to misguided thinking and behavior. His one goal is the destruction of the Catholic Church which Jesus has assured us in the end will always triumph.


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