Come Into My Parlor Said the Spider to the Fly

I’ve been sitting here watching how this shakes out and have asked around to find out if, indeed, Fr. Kalchik was told to go to St. Luke’s Institute.  It appears he was, but the diocese ain’t saying (kind of shady), so it’s only a guess.  I am sooo glad somebody finally addressed this:  However, I’d also like to tackle it specifically in light of Fr. Kalchik’s circumstances. For all that has transpired in this case, this is the most heinous thing.  His is a unique case, although I suspect there are more priests out there who have suffered as much as he.

First of all, I don’t think many people know about St. Luke’s Institute.  That place should have been burned down years ago.  Nobody should be sent there, much less someone who has suffered as much as Fr. Kalchik.  It’s founder, Fr. Michael Peterson, was an openly same-sex attracted psychiatrist who, as an openly same-sex attracted guy, still entered the priesthood.  While the institute was opened to help clergy and religious suffering from alcohol and drug dependency, two short years later it became the place to send abusing priests.  And this is where the “it’s all pedophilia” mantra started to come into play.  Fr. Michael Peterson was not going to be the guy to admit it went far beyond pedophilia.  Pedophilia has been a minute part of the crisis. To his credit, he warned that the recidivism rate was going to be high, yet he still couldn’t admit a vast amount of same-sex attracted men were putting themselves in a constant near occasion of sin.

A few presidents later came Fr. Canice Connor, who infamously said, “It is so rare as to be unreported that a priest has ever used violence in abusing a child. We are not involved with the dynamics of rape, but with the far subtler dynamics of persuasion by a friend.  We must be aware that the child still sometimes retains a loving memory of the offender.”  Oy. Epic, epic fail.

Then we have Monsignor Edward J. Arsenault who stole money for himself and his male lover.  But yeah, let’s keep sending people to St. Luke’s.

Phil Lawler details some of this and more, years before all of this recent crud came to light:
Finally, there’s all that was covered in Fr. Z’s blog linked above.  St. Luke’s Institute has an abysmal track record for acknowledging the root of the problem, returning offenders to active ministry, and they can’t even keep their own faculty in line, not to mention their persecution of orthodox priests for not getting in line with the homosexual lifestyle and liberal agenda. In short, for many bishops, it’s a re-education camp, pure and simple.

So, let’s think about this.  Why would anyone send a victim of homosexual rape and molestation to place that, apparently, is quite full of rapists and molesters?  What a completely sadistic idea! Talk about abusive.  We’re not just talking about someone Cardinal Cupich and club would deem “rigid.”  We’re talking about a person who is twice a victim of sexual attacks by homosexuals.  But, hey, let’s send Fr. Kalchik to live with people who are just like his attackers. So loving.  That is simply an extremely devious and sick idea. Cardinal Cupich I trying to play the loving father role.  He’s banking on the fact that most don’t know what St. Luke’s is. I’m going to do my part to see that isn’t the case.  I’m really done letting people get away with this. St. Luke’s needs a psychologist just for their HR department!

Yes, I realize that there are priests and religious at St. Luke’s who are being treated for things other than breaking their vows of celibacy, chastity, and attacking people.  That said, there are many other treatment options.  St. Luke’s is unnecessary.  For any good it may have done, it’s also done a boatload of irreparable harm to many a good priest because it has a big ol’ conflict of interest all the way around.  Cardinals and bishops with their own complexes should no longer be able to get rid of their problem priest by sending them off for psychiatric imprisonment (care would not be the word) at a facility the Church funds.


10 thoughts on “Come Into My Parlor Said the Spider to the Fly

  1. I wonder if it’s possible to get a list of sex offender priests who were sent there & where they were sent afterwards. Of course then there may have been victims like Fr Kalchik. We’re they ever returned to active ministry??


  2. Ironic the infamous St. Luke inst. Like chicago And Bernardin. Etc. Misrule etc. Was repeatedly linked to and covered up for deviants who molested victims like the good priest Kalchick……. .Boycott all liberal Bishops annual appeal of Cupich ,Dolan ,O malley and Weurhl untill the the lot of them resign or retire.


  3. Soupy is one of the comic-book villains in the Church right now. He’s diabolical, but also vain, ham-fisted and inept. He’s the kinda character who always ended up humiliated at the end of the Scooby Doo episode. You can almost imagine him at the diocesan chancery muttering, “I would gotten away with too if it weren’t for you meddling kids and your silly dog.”

    Liked by 2 people

  4. “Why would anyone send a victim of homosexual rape and molestation to place that, apparently, is quite full of rapists and molesters?” Because he does not believe in God, in Judgement, or in Hell.


  5. Sadly, back in the late 1970’s or early 80’s, the Vatican did organize an investigation into American seminaries because of the many complaints they had received. Clearly, it was sabotaged. But who were the main culprits in this? Are they bishops today? Someone should investigate them!


  6. OneMadMom, did you see that Cardinal “Sgt Schultz – I saw Nutzing!” Farrell is on St Luke’s board of directors? Hmmmm


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