McCarrick & Satan’s End Game

This was a great video on the McCarrick abuse.

As usual, and not surprising to me, satan is trying to drag souls away from the Church, and he’s using our priests, bishops, and cardinals to do it.  While this might shock some, it does not shock me. It’s been foretold, if you listened to the readings from a couple of Sundays ago. It’s happened before and it will happen again. Satan’s gonna do what satan’s gonna do, and some humans (priests included) are going to swallow the bait. It’s our history and our future. I mean, hello, it’s was Christ’s own apostle that betrayed Him.  Think we’ll fair better? I, however, am not going to let this lead me away from the Church. That’s satan’s end game and I’m not going to play.

First, I’d like to say to those abused, I am truly sorry. I don’t want the rest of this post to feel like you are forgotten. You certainly are the victims with the biggest crosses to bear.  Please don’t think because I’m addressing the other victims that I am trivializing what you have gone through. If you were one of those who shined a light on these creeps, thank you. You never know whose child you may have saved from that because of your courage. If you have been abused and have not reported it, I understand. Please know that while the hierarchy have behaved badly in their handling of this mess, the shame is not yours in any way. I hope you will report it to help in your own healing and to, again, help keep others from the same fate. Go from victim to hero by outing all of these evil, damaged people. I also beg all of you to not let this destroy your faith in the Catholic Church because of those acting as the agents of satan. See it for what it is. They are the epitome of the foxes guarding the hen-house. Please don’t let them steal your soul along with the innocence and peace they’ve already taken. Nothing would make the devil happier.

Now, as for the rest of the victims… That would be all of us – the rest of the people in the pews, the good and holy priests, the people who might never come to the Church because of this crud, and the children. How many of us are going to have to prep our kids to be wary of something way beyond their years? It’s just one more of a chunk of their innocence lost to the world around us, even though they were not caught up in actual physical abuse.

We pew sitters are going to suffer for many reasons. We can let it be all about dismay, but it’s so much more than that. As Fr. Hollowell points out, men discerning the priesthood could very well become disheartened. Some of us understand that the stats show our priests are in the minority in the abuser realm, but who wants to have aspersion cast on them and to have people look at them with suspect eyes. That’s not exactly going to help our priest shortage. I’m sure this will also further fan the fires for the ridiculous idea of women in the priesthood or at least the lunacy of feminists will take advantage of the scandal. I cannot fathom the hoops everyone will probably have to go through now to work with children. I’m all for background checks, but I’m reasonably sure many of the future abusers will go through the necessary hoops and still prey upon children. I’ve been fingerprinted, background checked, and had to go through hours of training. While it might help me from being falsely accused, it’s hardly going to thwart those with evil intent. There’s insanity involved and watching videos on not being alone with children probably isn’t going to do much to sway them.

As I’ve pointed out, a lot of the hoops we are going to have to jump through really are to protect us and the good priests from being accused by some disturbed person looking for a paycheck. We know that happens, too, which further victimizes those who are actual abuse victims, besides those falsely accused. This isn’t to minimize true abuse claims.  Nothing should stop victims from coming forward, even though the tactics of evil people will be to accuse them of lying. It’s all such a careful orchestration by satan to pit everyone against each other, and it’s been working rather nicely. Again, please try to see it for what it is.

Listen, I know priests who have been falsely accused. It’s brutal. In the current climate, it’s guilty until proven innocent. I know accused priests who have been simply shut out from ministry and are in complete limbo because there’s no way to prove or disprove what happened. I also know priests who have thankfully had witnesses and alibis to combat the lies. They were the lucky ones. Honestly, my priest friends, you have to keep a very well documented life and, quite frankly, be incredibly shrewd. Kids show up at your sacristy door wanting a tour of the part of the church they’ve never seen? Make sure you’ve got a witness or at least record the tour with your smart phone so it can be documented later. Think I’m joking? We had liberal parents who wanted to oust their faithful pastor, so when their kids showed up at the sacristy – either out of curiosity or because they were put up to it – my priest friend was darn lucky there were ladies in the sacristy at the time, because these parents actually called the press to report this pastor “taking kids into the secret room in the church”, if you can believe that. Some people are awful.

I’ve also known priests who did it, plain and simple. Our current and future priests need to be shrewd so it’s extra easy to figure out who is evil and who is not. It would be rather nice to start with a simple act like putting the walls back into the confessional. Those walls weren’t trying to ruin the relationship between the penitent and the priest. The were meant to protect both the penitent and the priest from scandal. One of the newer churches in our area went to the length of putting windows in the confessional door so people could see what was going on. Wouldn’t it just be so much more private just to have separate little rooms?

Of course, priests cannot record confessions and private counseling. Just can’t happen. So, while body cams for priests might seem like a fine solution, I’m pretty sure it would break a few canons. That said, I do have priest friends who document much of their goings on and post on social media when they’re unable to use the “two deep” protocol of having a witness present at all times. They’ve just got to pray that if they are accused, it doesn’t happen to be when they don’t have witnesses and alibis. It’s sad, but that’s the life of a priest these days due the complete mismanagement of all the previous abuse cases.  Of course we have a priest shortage! Sigh. Despite that, we’ll hopefully continue to find good and holy men willing to “run into the burning building”, as Fr. Hollowell so eloquently puts it.

And then there are the non-Catholics. This whole scandal makes it much harder to bring them to the Church. We had a wonderful homily this weekend about the scandal where the priest pointed out that, thankfully, the sacraments aren’t dependent on the sanctity of the priest, because they would all fall short somehow. Ever tried to explain that vs. the scandal to those outside (and sometimes inside) the Church? It matters little that abuse takes place at a much higher rate outside the priesthood. That little fact just makes us look callous when we point it out. It should not take place at all inside the Catholic Church for sure, but sadly the world does creep in and influence the very human people who comprise the Church. If you think the Church’s existence is dependent on the sanctity of its members, which church would be the true Church? I get that this scandal has rocked the faith of many inside and outside the Church. I’m sure that Fr. Hollowell has dealt with many, as he has said. That said, I don’t understand why. Even the apostles were imperfect and said so every time they could. Judas ring a bell? It’s biblical. You’d think the protestants would get that, and that the atheists and agnostics would note that those who actually try to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church are scathed by the world at a far less rate. For example, those that follow the teachings on the Church in regards to sex and marriage have a staggeringly low divorce rate. (I’m talking about people who actually try to lead this life. I’m not talking about those who claim Catholicism like a nationality but give little attention or credence to Her teachings.) The same goes for priests who believe the teachings of the Church are correct even if they sin. Their abuse rate, as a group, is going to be much lower. Think about it. It’s going to be rare that we who believe in struggling against temptation are going molest people or have affairs as much as those who think “primacy of conscience” is somehow a pass on sin. People who fear going to hell are going to do what they can to avoid it. Like I said, there will be anomalies. For instance, I knew a seemingly very holy priest who totally abused for many years. Some people are extra good at being evil. Still, with most of the priests I know who have abused, you could see it coming a mile away. Was McCarrick a surprise to people who actually pay attention? Nope. That’s why I’m quite skeptical of Cardinal Farrell saying he was unaware of anything.  I mean, geez, even I’d heard rumor of the exploits. He’s either complicit or woefully unaware of, well, just about anything.

So, where do we go from here? We could become dismayed, but I’d prefer you become more vigilant about your kids, yourself, and your faith. Other than confession, I can’t think of a reason my kids need to be alone with a priest where they cannot be seen, and like I said, it would be soooo much more comforting if the walls were put back in the confessional. It’s amazing how good of a counseling session you can have in, say, a restaurant, park, confessional, office with a window, etc., where a bunch of other people can see you. Other than that, a “two deep” scenario fits the bill. (Too bad the Boy Scouts failed on that.) Clearly we cannot count on many of the hierarchy of the Church to take care of our kids, so we need to be vigilant in the faith but cautious about scandal at all times.

Where does the clergy go from here? How about homilies on morality, for a change? You can apologize for abuse all you want from the pulpit, but if you’re not even talking the talk about morality, it’s hard to believe you, yourself, are walking the walk. Yes, it’s not fun to upset the people in the pews, but the fluffy sermons have done little to stop abuse, infidelity, breaking of vows on all parts left and right, etc. Just like the laity shouldn’t let this scandal sway us from the Church, the clergy should not let this scandal and the aspersions cast on the entire priesthood sway them from speaking the truth. For some of you, that probably means starting to speak the truth.

Bishops and cardinals? So many of you are so wonderful, but good luck. Sadly, I think many of you are going to do something like the Obama apology tour instead of speaking boldly. You’re supposed to be our spiritual fathers, act like it. If someone harassed or molested one of my kids, my husband would do a lot more than make promises and apologize. To quote Bonnie Tyler, we need a hero! I hope it’s you but I haven’t seen much of the hero persona lately. Bishop Olson nailed it in his suggestions here. I mean, start talking about millstones and the way the Church used to handle abuse. In short, make the big stinking deal that it is for goodness sakes! As a mom, I lean toward some of the ancient ways to handle the crisis of morality of some in the priesthood. Want to know how it was handled? See this. I realize many of these aren’t going to fly with the “Church of Nice” we’ve got going on these days, but in reality, the ways it was dealt with in the past are far more practical in attaining repentance and everlasting life. I’m reasonably sure McCarrick isn’t feeling enough pain to mourn how his actions that have hurt his own soul much less the soul of others. He’s just sad he got caught. Clearly everlasting life wasn’t in the forefront of his mind. “Uncle Ted” might be too old for flogging, but I think the rest of St. Basil’s suggestions would be appropriate:

Any cleric or monk who seduces young men or boys, or who is apprehended in kissing or in any shameful situation, shall be publicly flogged and shall lose his clerical tonsure. Thus shorn, he shall be disgraced by spitting in his face, bound in iron chains, wasted by six months of close confinement, and for three days each week put on barley bread given him toward evening. Following this period, he shall spend a further six months living in a small segregated courtyard in custody of a spiritual elder, kept busy with manual labor and prayer, subjected to vigils and prayers, forced to walk at all times in the company of two spiritual brothers, never again allowed to associate with young men.

If you think that is harsh, compare it to the eternal fires of hell. What if this were the protocol for our priests and seminarians today? I’m thinking we’d have a lot less abuse. I suppose right now we all need to at least give the response of St. Peter Damien to our hierarchy:

Listen, you do-nothing superiors of clerics and priests. Listen, and even though you feel sure of yourselves, tremble at the thought that you are partners in the guilt of others; those, I mean, who wink at the sins of their subjects that need correction and who by ill-considered silence allow them license to sin. Listen, I say, and be shrewd enough to understand that all of you alike are deserving of death, that is, not only those who do such things, but also they who approve those who practice them.

And to you liberals who are going to start whining about married priests and women priests, don’t. If priests can’t follow the teachings of the Catholic Church in regards to their vows and morality, these silly suggestions aren’t going to help. Remember, these priests aren’t abusing BECAUSE they are following the teachings of the Church. The are abusing because they ARE NOT following the teachings. We need men who are going to adhere to the teaching and disciplines of the Church, not men and babes who are going to use this scandal for their own agenda.

So, again and again, please do not let this scandal keep you from the Church and her sacraments. That’s not where you’re going to find peace, whether you have been abused or have suffered from the backlash of the scandal. This is the devil trying to take you away from truth by using those who are supposed to preach the truth to us. See it for what it is and tell satan to go back to hell.

21 thoughts on “McCarrick & Satan’s End Game

  1. Well done! I personally am a fan of St Basil the Great’s punishment. Not to be flippant here ,but those who Knew should be d frocked too In my opinion.We need to pray for our priests and your so right about morality homilies! If I here one more homily on feeding the poor , I think I’m going to throw up! It’s like 🙄 duh , we heard that and we got it!

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    1. I’m not sure I totally agree with the idea of defrocking for abuse. I think St. Basil had better ideas. I think they need to be censured by the Church. Last thing we need is to turn them loose on the general population. Some of them may end up in jail and some may choose to leave but maybe this would bring up our standards in accepting candidates for the priesthood in the first place. Personally, I don’t care if it’s a minor or a major, any priest who cannot be chaste and celibate needs some for of punishment for their own salvation. Whenever somebody suggest punishment we are told we have to be merciful. Punishment is for the sinner as much as the wronged. It is a big ol’ chance to atone in this life instead of the next. That is true mercy.

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  2. Do you or any of your respondents have updated info (not ten years old) on whether or not the clerics found guilty of abuse are straight or gay? The liberal or heterodox sites that I frequent place the blame directly on straights and that they are all pedophiles. They deny the possibility that gay clerics also play into the issue and that the abuse may go into teenagers that are obviously post pubescent. Thanks.


    1. That is a cover for homosexuals. The John Jay College Study conducted after the 2002 sexual abuse of children story revealed that 81% of the victims through the decades were post-adolescent MALES, aged about 11 to 17 years. This is not pedophilia, this is pederasty, and has long been associated with the priesthood. It is the sexual interest and molestation or seduction of boys and young men by priests. Now, they would rather you not think of it in those terms, homosexuals want to present themselves as victims, not perps, but the facts speak otherwise. Many avoid the facts in order to continue their PC obsession. Mustn’t ruffle the feathers of men diddling boys!

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  3. Well the last study I know of was the John Jay report and, of course, that was after the last go around. I’m not sure why were are letting them frame the argument that the data has to be less than 10 years old. McCarrick is the perfect example that same-sex attraction is still a problem and all of his victims are post pubescent males. How about those who disagree prove it’s not largely a SSA problem. Oh, they don’t have recent date? Then the last study should probably stand.


    1. The question is being framed by heterodox kats as pedophilia engaged in by straight sexual perverts. Bring up the homosexual possibilities and they attack with the venom of poisonous snakes and will defend to their end the moral goodness of gay clerics and the gay lifestyle in general. That there is acceptable collusion with in the Church and laity on the homosexual question is undeniable IMO. It’s part of the “no sin no Hell” progressive movement splintering the Church.

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      1. People can spin in anyway they want (and they will). Priest engaging in breaking their vows in a manner of immoral ways need to be dealt with for their own good as well as the good of the faithful. I don’t care if their issues is boy, girls, teen boys/girls or adults of any sex. It’s a problem for the entire Church. We can, however, point to no brainers like the problem with same-sex attraction which is the dominant problem and a reason that the Church has always said it is not acceptable in a candidate for the priesthood and avoid a big chunk of the problem. The rest is a bit trickier.


    2. This is totally absurd. These liars are trying to make believe there is no connection between sexual orientation of an abuser and his abuse crimes. These same people lie and claim someone can’t change their orientation, but can change their gender! How can anyone swallow this crap?


  4. Good post, OMM. I’m guessing that for those of us inside the Church who attend Mass regularly, the McCarrick news doesn’t really affect our faith, for the reasons that you outline (i.e., the efficacy of the sacraments is unaffected by the sinfulness of the priest). With that said, it’s pretty obvious to one and all, that the Church badly needs to clean house. For a long time, I kind of had the idea that the priests, bishops and cardinals who were/are pushing for relaxation of Church teaching in the general area of sexual morality (e.g., with respect to homosexuality, artificial contraception, divorce & remarriage, etc) were doing so primarily because the Church’s teachings are unpopular with the larger culture and that these clerics had the idea that jettisoning Church teaching would make Catholicism more appealing. And while I still think that such misguided thinking is a big factor for a lot of these guys, I now have reluctantly come to accept that there’s a simpler explanation: it must be hard for priests, bishops and cardinals to publicly promote Church teachings on sexuality when they themselves are flouting those teachings.
    But how can the Church clean house? It’s not going to be easy. Whenever someone talks about purging bishops, priests & seminarians who are engaging in sexual activity, the Fr Jimmy Martins of the world start screaming about witch hunts and homophobia. And the truth is that purging the ranks is easier said than done. We talk about the bishops looking the other way with respect to McCarrick (and they obviously did look the other way, and it’s inexcusable, BUT how many of us look the other way with respect to wayward priests of whom we’re aware? I’ll say it: I’m guilty of looking the other way. A few years ago, I heard from an individual whom I know to be completely trustworthy that a prominent local priest, the pastor of a wealthy suburban parish, had made a homosexual pass at an adult male who had visited him for counseling. Did I do anything with that knowledge? Report it to the bishop? Report it to the Vatican? Thus far, no, I have not reported it to anyone. Why not? Good question. I guess that there are a bunch of reasons: primarily not wanting to get involved and not wanting to betray the confidence of the person who told me. But this is how the McCarricks of the world happen get away with it.

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    1. Yeah, we can’t be silent in the face of evil. It’s definitely an inconvenience on our part but it must be done. We shouldn’t be the ones to have to deal with these matters but sometimes it takes a lot of prodding from us.


  5. widespread this problem is . Farrell of Vatican and Ire. Boarded with MCarrick for many.yrs and he knew the disgraced Maciel as well. Yet he claims he knew nothing about.either one.Seriously??.. … Similar problems in Honduras with Maradiaga and or protegee sodomite aux. Bishop and seminary.there .

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  6. “Thus far, no, I have not reported it to anyone. ” And if you did, what would they have but hearsay? It’s inactionable, and moreover you could be justly accused of detraction. No, it is up to the propositioned adult male to pipe up.

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    1. I have to clarify, OMM, regarding being justly accused of detraction refers to comments you would make about a specific priest to his superior with nothing adequate to back it up.

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  7. My brother, to his great loss, went to St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore about two months after our father died in 1969, was gotten drunk by an upper classman, abused and led into the marvelous lifestyle. Months later, while that upperclassman was being ordained deacon, my brother was sitting in the window of his fourth story room rocking back and forth, thinking of pushing himself off, but because of our mother did not do so. He left the sem and the practice of the faith, had a girlfriend for a few years but could not make a go of it, reverted to the lifestyle, became an alcoholic, and died of AIDS in 1993. In the last months of his life, he repented of all this with deep sobs and my mother and I stood over him as he received the last sacraments a few hours before his death. There is more, much more, about the effects of all this on our family, its unfolding, ever unfolding ramifications . . .. My way of saying that I have given this a lot of thought.

    On hearing all this years after the fact, the natural reaction was fury and a desire for revenge, to hunt down the upperclassman and kill him, but one wants to go to heaven after all, so it was not a thought that could be entertained for more than thirty seconds.

    Then there was the wonderful priest, the hospital chaplain, who ministered so kindly to my mother in her last days and hours in 2000, going so far as to sing to her. He, too, had fallen years earlier and was removed from ministry in 2003.

    As much as I well understand the desire for revenge, for severe punishments ( and btw, I have no principled objection to capital punishment in these cases), I really think we are missing the boat over all this. Of course, I too am sympathetic with the victims and mourn their loss of innocence, but we have lost so many priests to this sin. Should we not be in mourning over them too, over their loss of innocence, over their peril of eternal damnation? They too were lured, if not by human agents, then by demons. Frankly, I find it difficult to spare them a prayer, much less to do penance for them, but still I hope that there are saintly people in the Church who are praying for them with tears. How great is our loss since we lost them to the kingdom of darkness. What a great loss. Has not the Church become for so many reasons and in so many ways, “Rachel weeping for her children”? Is she weeping for them as well? I sincerely hope so.


    1. It’s not about revenge. It’s about dealing with our sins in this world so we might be in heaven someday. Does a parent who disciplines their child seek revenge? Of course not. It’s a merciful and loving act.


  8. *Very* well stated, sister.

    Most of us suffered, hoped, believed, prayed, that this nightmare stopped 15 years ago. We in the laity, and the faithful clergy, suffered terribly. We paid out millions, saw our beloved parishes and schools close, and dealt with the humiliation, shame, and despair, while our bishops, cardinals, and popes asked us to hold onto our Faith, pray for vocations, and continue to contribute monetarily. We were horrified, but did our best to cope and pray our way out of it, holding onto Jesus and Mary and our Catholic Faith for dear life.

    And now this. I am again horrified. But I am also angry, very angry, that this behavior continues to be ignored, encouraged, and rewarded by the very leadership in whom we place our trust and respect. *Anyone* who participated in the spiritual and physical torture of one of God’s children, seminarians, and clergy, or who looked the other way and rewarded this behavior is as guilty as the perpetrator and becomes a co-conspirator, a partner in crime and sin. No excuses.

    Our bishops, cardinals, and popes have participated in distractions such as climate change, hobnobbing with celebrities, and scandalous “fashion shows” spotlighting the sacrilegious use of Catholic sacramentals and imagery (sanctioned and promoted by the Vatican and the Archdiocese of NY, no less), partisan liberal politics, and more. All this goes on while real issues, mortally threatening the souls and lives of our own Catholic brothers and sisters, such as abortion, persecution/genocide in Nigeria, Nicaragua, the Philippines, and other locations, and the vile sexual abuse of children, seminarians, and clergy goes on, unnoticed and with nothing constructive or lasting accomplished. It is despicable.

    It must stop. Now. Not tomorrow, not ten years from now. Now.

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  9. I have a couple of suggestions:

    1. Install cameras WITHOUT AUDIO in the confessionals. To be extra private, do not have the cameras pointing at the faces/lips. Police officers wear cameras. There is nothing shameful about a priest doing so.
    2. Bring back flogging in our legal system. The US the Constitution prohibits “cruel and unusual” punishments. But in the decades after its ratification, flogging was still legal in many states. Bring it back for outrageously evil crimes. It is a deterrent.


  10. That was a very good talk by Father. Our pastors have ignored the scandal of McCarrick and the dumpster fire our church has turned into. We get the usual “be merciful…be compassionate…” blah blah blah. But we don’t go to Mass for the homily, surely not.

    What is the answer to this. If we had a church that clearly opposes homosexuality in all it’s virulent forms that would be one thing. We do not. We have a large number of pro-homosexual clergy all the way up to and including the pope. We are spitting into the wind here. There are times only divine intervention is going to make a difference and this may well be one of those times. We are outside the structure and not able, to borrow the analogy from Father, to bring more than a squirt gun to the blaze.

    To guard against future sexual abuse of minors, seminaries would have to be closed to homosexuals of any kind, rather than sorting out hard core homosexuals from what “occasional homosexuals”? They were never serious about weeding out homosexuals with that mess. You must make it clear homosexuals are not fit for ministry, which they are not, and not just because of the boy diddling thing. They are psychologically unfit to be any kind of spiritual father and are often the dissenters who want to entirely change the faith.

    Current boy molesters, off to the pokey, no pun intended. Zero tolerance, no jumping parishes, no priest moving, call the cops, laicize. You are out, first offense. Include bishops and Cardinals, nobody is exempted from the consequence of wrecking a boy’s life.

    We need to realize that when a person of the same sex molests a boy, it wrecks their life. It is not a normal sexual encounter, and for an introduction to sexuality to be so disordered, it sets up all kinds of confusing reactions and responses, it is very traumatic. Even a child knows it is gravely wrong, yet they can be swept up in the attention they are getting and the confusing feelings. These experiences often turn a boy into a homosexual, who then goes on to the depraved life of an active homosexual, including finding new young boys so they can be the perpetrator, not this time, the victim. It is a self-repeating satanic sickness that is pervasive and diabolical. Many times the boys go on to drug or alcohol abuse, crime, family disruption, and an inability to marry and carry on with life. Often the end result is suicide or suicide attempts. These boys are destroyed.
    But to the predator, this is “love”. They feel no remorse, they have no need for Confession, they did nothing wrong. Consider Cardinal McCarrick, a demon if there ever was one, telling “James”, a boy who was the first baby this monster baptized, at 11, “God only hears you pray when you are with me”, as he kissed his penis. Forgive the vulgarity of this, but this is a truth we all need to know. Imagine how devastating for a boy to be sexually molested by a PRIEST, who represents God. And his family did not believe him when the told them. McCarrick was a highly valued “family friend”. They always ARE.

    This, is what our church is in the process of approving, with all the LGBT advances. The upcoming farce World Meeting of Families promises to be a Gay Fest, as our church moves ever more determinedly in the direction of approval of homosexuality. Be prepared to hear a lot more of “who am I to judge”, and to see those words “intrinsically disordered” be deleted, now that this poser in the Chair of Peter knows he can change teaching by quoting himself.


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